It’s Not You It’s Me: Too Faced Selfie Powders…

Selfies have seriously grown to be one of the biggest identifiers of millennials. I honestly wonder if any of us will outlive the age of the selfie. I’m not complaining, I’ve definitely fallen victim to a camera roll spammed with 40 takes of the same selfie. So, naturally when Too Faced released their selfie powders ages ago- we were all in! The palette came with three different “filtered”powders; yellow, brown and purple. Each filtered powder coming with a different purpose that promise to blur imperfections and give you a filtered finish that translates to your selfies! Sounds pretty revolutionary, right? Finally, the perfect product to help us get away with that nofilter hashtag! WRONG.


Let’s start by understanding the desired effects of each powder. Sunrise is reminiscent of a filter that actually exists on Instagram, giving you a diffused warmth. Totally toasted promises a bronzed-up and smoother glow. Moon River offers a soft, ethereal glow to the skin. Now, I really really seriously tried this product. As with most products I talk about in this series, I really wanted it to work so I tried it numerous ways. I started by trying a mixture of Sunrise and Totally Toasted, and nothing happened. Which was disappointing, but an hour into using it, when my skin started to look cakey and oily it was a problem. So I proceeded to give each powder an individual try- it didn’t help that they basically all looked essentially the same. There was no difference in finish or in problems that would arise. So moving on from that, I tried using it above a powder- didn’t work. To touch up with throughout the day? Didn’t work.

The problem with this product was mostly that it didn’t do anything.The hype surrounding it and the seriously innovative nature of it left you expecting something. I was expecting for my skin to look filtered, expecting to turn to each different powder for different uses. But when I began to realize that not only were they not having any effect, there was also no difference between the three. That was disappointing enough but they generally seemed to do more harm than good for my makeup. I’d be left looking oilier throughout the day and cakey, I suppose because it wasn’t really setting my makeup or doing much for it.

So that’s been my unfortunate experience with this product, let me know if it worked for you or if I’m using it wrong- maybe I should be applying it differently!


10 Comments Add yours

  1. Oh no! I’m sorry this didn’t work. It looks like a neat product and I Iove Too Faced.


  2. Miss Tapia says:

    I’ve only seen one other girl use this -on youtube- and it worked really well for her. She loves it. I love the packaging. I wonder why nobody else really talks about this product?


  3. sittingintheclouds says:

    Never seen this product before and it looks so cool but by your review, I won’t be wasting my money on it! great review, thanks ❤


  4. I’ve never seen this product before but I’m happy to read an honest review. Thank you for keeping some money in my pocket to put towards something else.


  5. aleeyaazimulla says:

    I seen this palette and breezed past it because I figured it wouldn’t work


  6. I’ve seen this product and have my doubts about it. Love your honest review on this product! Great post girl! ❤


  7. This looks like an amazing palette. great post

    c&s just posted can you take a look at my recent post. if you have time. thank you so much


  8. lacasabloga says:

    I haven’t tried that product but am super excited to get my hands on it. I love everything Too Faced so will have to check it out!


  9. Lynmed says:

    The idea was great though! Too bad it’s useless!


  10. I have seen this powder trio alot when I shop around, but I’ve always been sceptical about its promises. After all it is just a powder right?


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