
So here I am, a fresh graduate embracing this liminal phase of my life and choosing to pursue a passion rather than chase a salary. Beauty has always consumed my life, thriving on this constant pursuit of the next release, practically stalking the Sephora “ just arrived” section, and keeping up with my YouTube beauty vloggers to the point where I find myself refreshing and watching videos before they even get a chance to fill out the description box!  Through this introduction I’m sure my obsession with YouTube is growing clear, and so I want to use this blog as my take on a written version of a YouTube channel. Hopefully later expanding and growing into submissions to be posted on famous beauty blogs, I want to take this year and dedicate it to something that my life is already completely dedicated to. I can confidently say I’ve never been so excited to embark on a new chapter of my life, beauty is a hobby as well as a passion to me; and I cannot wait to dedicate even more time to it!