My Holy Grail Foundation of All Time (Introducing Frugal Feb)…

Let’s kick things off by addressing the elephant in the brackets; this post is about to kick off a new series of mine called Frugal Feb. Unlike most of my series this isn’t a recurring one I write about whenever I feel inspired- no. For the next week and the remainder of February, I will only be writing about affordable products. Think of it as a drugstore/high-street week! There’s nothing I love more than finding obsession-worthy products that don’t break the bank. A couple of years ago it would’ve been absolutely impossible to dedicate more than a couple of posts to the drugstore/high-street, but over the past years affordable brands have seriously grown and wowed us all- boasting some products that are even better than their luxury counterparts. I’m personally a huge huge fan of the high-street/drugstore, and I could probably dedicate a good two months to it if I’d like, but I’ve decided to give them their time to shine with an whole week of drugstore/high-street only posts! I’ll be sharing my old favourites, as well as some new discoveries and a life-changing dupe I’ve found! Starting with a bang, today I’m going to be sharing with you all my favourite foundation of all time. Affordable or not- this bad boy is my go to, and here’s why…


Can you tell by my serious hoarding how badly I love this? Some of you may remember me featuring Maybelline’s Fit Me Matte + Poreless foundation in one of my very first blog posts. I raved on and on about how obsessed with the new discovery I was. Almost a year later, and not a single thing has changed. Countless foundations have come in and out of my collection- from drugstore/high-street to luxury, and absolutely nothing compares. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’ve had a lot of big moments and loves in the realm of foundation, but there’s just something about this that has helped it cling tightly onto the title of holy grail. So how has it managed to do so?

I could rave on about this for hours so I’ll try to keep it straight to the point. This foundation never disappoints me. Every single time I know I need a little extra coverage but want a second-skin kind of finish I know I can rely on this foundation. Please, please don’t be discouraged by the name- this is not a super drying matte foundation. It’s magical in the sense that it keeps my skin set and in place all day but it gives my skin a glowy-matte finish. With my combination skin it can end up pretty dewy throughout the day but definitely not in a I-need-to-blot-ASAP way, it’s honestly such a gorgeous hydrated finish. It smooths out my pores and helps with any texture, which is always an issue for me. I love that this foundation gives such great coverage, without looking cakey or heavy on the skin. It gives me all of that while feeling lightweight on the skin- it definitely doesn’t feel as heavy duty as it is, it blends away beautifully into my skin and just sits beautifully on it. It really just perfects my skin without it feeling heavy or like I’m wearing too much makeup.

This honestly is so insanely comparable to higher end foundations, and actually I’d even say it’s a lot better than most of them. The quality of this is insane, especially at £5.99/$7.99 this genuinely feels extremely luxurious. I swear by it, and can’t seem to get enough of it! Let me know what your holy grail foundation of all time is 🙂


12 Comments Add yours

  1. ksloves says:

    This is one of my holy grails too! Used it this morning 🙂 and love if you’re feeling dry the smooth and dewy is just as great quality!


    1. Yeah I really want to try that one out too! I picked it up but haven’t tested it out yet. Thank you for reading xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Just Jo Beauty says:

    I thought I was the only one with 5+ bottles of this foundation in their collection 😂 I love this coverup!! Great review


    1. Haha obsessed! Can’t stop using it. Thank you for reading xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Jessica says:

    i really so wanted to love this foundation! But for some reason, it was really cakey on my skin, even with a TINY bit! I primed and moisterized and everything,…I was so 😭!! Love your blog, its so cute!!xx


    1. Oh nooo, that’s so sad 😦 Maybe you’d like the other foundation in the range- the dewy and smooth one? I haven’t personally tried it but perhaps. Aw thank you and thank you so much for reading!! xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Michelle says:

    Great review! Great minds think alike! I reviewed this bad boy too! It’s an awesome foundation and the price is even better!
    Michelle xx
    IG: @shellie_belle_


    1. Thank you for reading love xoxo


  5. Ela Kaimo says:

    I have really oily skin so I tend to stay away from foundations with ‘glow’ in the name; however, I’ve heard a lot of good things about this product.


    1. Aww that’s too bad, it’s so amazing! Thank you for reading xoxo


  6. ivanamakeupworld says:

    I have used it up and looking for new one. Love this one 🙌🏻👍🏻


  7. expressivelyashley says:

    My friend showed me this foundation and I swear by it. It’s so good for the price even thought I don’t wear foundation anymore


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